Other Initiatives

A compilation of projects on Gender Equality in Academia and Research and their relevant updates gathered automatically.

If you would like for your project to be included into the list, please, contact the Project Coordinator.

GENDERACTIONplus introduces a campaign on resistances
As we prepared for our Mutual Learning Workshop on resistance to gender equality policy efforts, GENDERACTIONplus created a social media campaign on the topic to attract attention and raise awareness of the issue. Our Mutual Learning Workshop brought together members of our two Communities of Practice to learn more about various forms of resistance to gender equality, build competence to …
Pitch 3 min Falling Walls Lab Chile 2024- Research Support Staff
Website URL Address: https://youtu.be/BuWayEVP78wType of resource: Talk, story, discussion Keywords: #ACTonEquality, #antidiscrimination, #equalpolicies, #WomaninSTEMGeographic provenance: ArgentinaLanguage(s): EnglishAbout (English version):  I share with you my presentation in the semifinal of the Falling Wall Lab Chile, where I presented my research work about the barriers to professional growth in the careers of CONICET-Argentina: Research Support Staff. Total energy: 50Submitted 2 months 2 weeks ago by Daniela Alejand....
National updates on gender equality in R&I
The Higher Education (HEA) Centre of Excellence for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, hosted the first HEA National Equality, Diversity and Inclusion conference on the 9th and 10th of April 2024 in Dublin, Ireland. Approximately 150 colleagues involved in equality, diversity and inclusion in the Irish higher education sector were in attendance to hear from national and international experts across the …
GENDERACTIONplus gathered for a Mutual Learning Workshop and consortium meeting
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities hosted a consortium meeting of the GENDERACTIONplus project and on this occasion, the Spanish capital also became an action spot for a Mutual Learning Workshop on resistance to gender equality for the project’s two Communities of Practice. Policymakers and representatives of research funding organisations took part in the workshop and discussed the …
Apuntes sobre experiencias en gestión - Cuadernos Feministas para la Transversalización
Website URL Address: https://unreditora.unr.edu.ar/producto/apuntes-sobre-experiencias-en-gestion-2/Link to an external file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldUNwnHdUkvjWpKf1fcBnTNWGPBarAuQ/viewPublic identifier: ISBN 978-987-702-532-3 Type of resource: Book, conf. proceedings, dissertations Keywords: gender mainstreaming, feminismMedia Type: Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)About (original language):  Todos los trabajos que componen Apuntes sobre experiencia en gestión han sido elaborados colectivamente como resultado de prácticas comunitarias que sólo pueden ser llevadas adelante y también relatadas en equipo. A su vez, todas …
Apuntes sobre experiencias en investigación - Cuadernos Feministas para la Transversalización
Website URL Address: https://unreditora.unr.edu.ar/producto/apuntes-sobre-experiencias-en-investigaci…Link to an external file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCu2MbcpLNGI6GhqFSAi-JLBdiCtcDWf/viewPublic identifier: ISBN 978-987-702-534-7 Type of resource: Book, conf. proceedings, dissertations Keywords: gender mainstreaming, feminism, Gender StudiesMedia Type: Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)About (original language):  Esta propuesta se enfoca en pensar la transversalización en investigación desde una perspectiva feminista y concentra una serie de artículos que aparecen como habilitadores de nuevas prácticas para la producción científica, en un contexto …

Sister Projects

Gender equality in Information Science and Technology
Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation
Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I
Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity
Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment
Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia
Gender Portal
Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES
GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON. Coordination and Support Action
R&I Peers. Gender Balance for Innovation
Systematic Action for Gender Equality
Promoting Communities of Practice to advance knowledge, collaborative learning and institutional change on gender equality in the European Research Area
Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area
Gendering the Academy and Research: combating Career Instability and Asymmetries
Human Resources (HR) Strategy Oriented Towards Structural Changes in the European Union
Unifying innovative efforts of European research centres to achieve gender equality in academia
Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training
Researching Gender in the Network Society
Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia
Transforming institutions by gendering contents and gaining equality in research
Promoting gender equality in H2020 and the ERA
Hypatia project
Baltic Gender project
Transferring Implementing Monitoring Equality
Grant Allocation Disparities from a gender perspective
Gender SMART Science Management of Agriculture and life sciences, including Research and Teachning
European Institute for Gender Equality
Gender Equality Working Group
European Standard on Gender Mainstreaming in the ESF
European Network of Experts on Gender Equality
Gender Equality Academy
Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Changes in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations
Gender Equality Plans for Social Sciences, Business & Management Schools
Leading towards sustainable gender equality plans in research equality organizations
Linking Research and Innovation for Gender Equality
Gender Equality in Science, Technology and Innovation Bilateral and Multilateral Dialogues
Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans
Transparent And Resilient Gender Equality Through Integrated Monitoring Planning and Implementation
Certification-Award Systems to Promote Gender Equality in Research
Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe.
Implementing gender equality plans to unlock research potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe
Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together
Building Europe’s Center of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in R&I
Mitigating biases of AI in the labour market
Empowering future female innovators of the sustainable fashion industry through inspiration, skills and networks