Rijeka, the great Port of Diversity overlooking the Adriatic Sea, bears the European Capital of Culture 2020 (ECOC2020)

After an abrupt break to the activities due to COVID-19, already in May and June, following a reduction in social distancing measures, several smaller theatre forms, exhibitions, children’s plays, and film screenings were presented to the Rijeka audience, and at the beginning of summer the city’s cultural hustle and bustle heat up.

After an abrupt break to the activities due to COVID-19, already in May and June, following a reduction in social distancing measures, several smaller theatre forms, exhibitions, children’s plays, and film screenings were presented to the Rijeka audience, and at the beginning of summer the city’s cultural hustle and bustle heat up. Seemingly, the fall season is rich in music festivals and weekend concerts, drama and dance performances, stand-up performances, opera, exhibitions, and special attractions.

Among these, we did not fail to notice the attention and involvement of the gender topic in many expressions of art, as a clear manifestation of UNRI’s participation in shaping, hosting, and promoting the cultural program. Indeed, the University of Rijeka lists among the main organizers of the event, and we are proud to share the main events and activities that give the spotlight to women, the topic of diversity and inclusion, and the image of women in art and 21st century culture. All the events are organized within the ECOC2020 Framework and are organized or co-organized by UNIRI. Descriptions are provided in English and Croatian.


  • 7. - 9. 10. Hybrid Hay Festival Europa28

28 acclaimed women writers, journalists, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs – one from each EU country, plus the UK – will discuss and debate their visions for the future. Run in partnership with the European Short Story Festival and Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka, Hay Festival Europa28 will feature panel discussions, readings, film screenings and performances live from the European Capital of Culture Rijeka 2020 and Zagreb, Croatia, and online at hayfestival.org/europa28, covering issues from migration and rising nationalism to the continent’s response to Covid-19, and what it means to be ‘European’. The project is co-funded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union through Wom@rts (Women Equal Share Presence in the Arts And Creative Industries), which aims to promote an equal, shared presence of women as active agents in the artistic arena, and ran a wide range of cultural activities in different European cities leading up to 2020. More information here.

(HR) Hybrid Hay Festival Europa28

Akademija primijenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci, kao jedan od partnera projekta Wom@arts, uz sufinanciranje Sveučilišta u Rijeci, strateškog i programskog partnera u provedbi projekta Rijeka 2020 - Europska prijestolnica kulture u sklopu programskog pravca 27 susjedstava - Susjedstvo Kampus, u okviru Festivala organizira izložbu vrhunskih umjetničkih dostignuća rađenih na temu knjige Simone de Beauvoir “Drugi spol” (Second Sex), s ciljem povećanja vidljivosti te jednake zastupljenosti žena u području umjetnosti i kreativnih industrija (poveznica).


  • 9. 10. Drenova: the Border District

In the framework of ECOC 2020's flagship 27 Neighbourhoods (Drenova: the Border District) - The Day of Culture when the Drenova micro cultural atmosphere is presented along with the opening of an exhibition and choral singing, and then promotion of the Drenova paths and the presentation of the European neighbourhood of the Belgian city of Mons and the global archive of knowledge the Mundeanum Institute. Mundaneum will present materials on the position of women in Belgium through the 19th and 20th centuries from its rich holdings. The Rector of the University of Rijeka, Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, will give introductory lectures on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition "Women of the 21st Century - Majority and Minority". More information here.

(HR) Drenova: the Border District

Mundaneum će iz svojeg bogatog fundusa prezentirati materijale o položaju žena u Belgiji kroz 19. i 20. stoljeće

(https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/women-in-belgian-history/QQ8AfJxE, https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/norbert-ghisoland/QQ8lx-01).

Rektorica Sveučilišta u Rijeci Snježana Prijić-Samaržija održat će uvodno predavanja u prigodi otvorenja izložbe „Žene 21. stoljeća – većina, a manjina“.

Susjedstvo Drenova bavit će više današnjim trenutkom kroz sljedeća pitanja:

- primjeri nejednakosti koje današnje društvo postavlja pred žene u profesionalnom i privatnom okruženju - što ste osobno doživjeli, kako ste se i jeste li se izborili za pravedniji tretman?

- smanjuju li se ili se povećavaju prava žena u Republici Hrvatskoj od devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća?

- odgajaju li roditelji (deklarativno ili vlastitim primjerom) svoju djecu da budu buduće majke i očevi koji će podjednako doprinositi odgoju svog djeteta?

- što još moramo učiniti u zakonodavstvu i društvenom standardu da bismo olakšali emancipaciju žena?

- možemo li i trebamo li odvojiti žensko pitanje od pitanje ostalih nejednakosti u društvu (osobe sa invaliditetom, dob, materijalno bogatstvo, LGBTQ, rasa...)?


  • 15. – 17. 10. SMOQUA – Festival of Feminist and Queer Culure 2020: Semo Qua

The Smoqua international Festival of Queer and Feminist Culture is presented by a combination of an artistic, activist and fun programme and carries the theme Semo Qua in the local Fiuman dialect meaning Here we are. Smoqua was begun in 2017 by the Lesbian Organisation Rijeka LORI in collaboration with the Human Rights and Civic Participation Association (PaRiter), the Centre for Women’s Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and the From the Citizens to their City Initiative arts organisation as a blend of art and activism that examines the social norms. More information here.


(HR) Smoqua: 4. Festival queer i feminističke kulture u Rijeci

Od 15. do 17. listopada u Rijeci će se održati 4. festival queer i feminističke kulture, „Smoqua“ koji okuplja više od 30 aktivista/kinja i umjetnika/ica iz više od 10 zemalja, s tri kontinenta: iz Argentine, SAD-a, Norveške, Belgije, Švedske. (poveznica)

Additionally, between October and December 2020, the Student Cultural Center of the University of Rijeka will carry out activities related to the development of the Center's calendar on the topic of portraying women in art and media.