SPEAR takes part in the Twitter campaign on gender equality

The Twitter campaign dedicated to the upcoming International Women's Day on March 8th 2019 is now running on Twitter under the hashtag

The campaign is co-coordinated by GEECCO, ACT, SPEAR, EFFORTI, GENDERACTION, GearingRoles and Supera projects. The aim of the campaign is to share the opinions on the importance of gender equality at work or during studies in research organisations.

We are sharing some of the replies by SPEAR experts below. Join the campaign on Twitter and tell us why gender equality is important for your work/studies!

South-West University Neofit Rilski:

"Gender equality is important for my work because it is an essential element of sustainable and inclusive development. No organization can develop successfully without providing equitable opportunities, resources, and life prospects for males and females", Vice Rector responsible for research, PhD studies and career advancement

"Gender equality is important to me as an individual (female) because it contributes to challenging traditional female and male roles within our academic community", Academic staff member.

“I want to be part of a community that is free from prejudice and misconceptions about gender-related differences in personality  traits and intellectual capacity”, Academic staff member.

University of Rijeka:

“Gender equality is important to me because it enables a free flow of ideas, without being hampered by discrimination,” Researcher

“Gender equality is important for me because it enhances and encourages equal opportunity politics,” Postdoctoral researcher.

Plovdiv University:

“Gender equality will assure fairness of treatment and equal opportunities for every employee in the workplace. For me personally, the important benefit is that when employers accept a mindset of equal treatment and inclusion, gender equality finally becomes a possibility for all.” Full Professor, Head of RDESC

“The importance of Gender equality is underpinned in the concept that all human beings are free to develop their talents, capabilities and personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices,” Head of Project Management Office.

“Gender equity is important for me as it can assure fairness of treatment for all in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities in their working environment,Senior assistant, Computer Science Department

Syddansk University:

“Gender equality provides me with the means to affect organizational change at all practical levels from policy to personal decisions”, HR, Gender Equality Office.

“Gender equality ensures that our organization reflects the demographic make-up of the surrounding society”, HR, Gender Equality Office.

“For me, gender equality shines a light on how skewed and unfair our organizations are, and at the same time, gender equality paves the way to make organizations more diverse and innovative”, HR, Gender Equality Office.

University Nova Lisboa:

''In my opinion, this is an extremely important issue because we are so developed in some areas, such as medicine, tecnhologies, among others but are still, so far behind in gender equality. It was only on the 21st of January 2019 that Portugal regulated that the companies must pay woman and man equally and if they do not they must justify why. In your work if you see that you, as a woman, do a better job or even the same job as a men but he is valued and has a much higher payment than you, one becomes disappointed and does not have the same motivation to continue working. In order for our society to evolve, we need to educate human beings to look and treat each other as equals, one is not better than the other and my freedom ends where yours begin", Project Manager

"Discussing gender equality is crucial to guarantee that steps are taken towards equal pay for equal jobs, equal promotion opportunities and flexibility for managing a healthy work-life balance", Science Communication Manager

"Gender equality is important for me in my job because I want to have the same opportunities and be treated not different for be a woman", Project Manager

"To be successful at work we need to understand different realities. Gender equality is absolutely crucial towards this goal, as it promotes a work environment that correctly reflects the diverse perspectives that make up our society", Scientific Manager

"For me gender equality is addressing the wide range of global challenges be it in the Academia, Research, Health, Education or Technology without prejudice, stereotypes and rigid gender roles. Although the progresses made in the last two decades, it is imperative, I believe, to maintain alive gender equality in the political agenda, so that women could also be equally represented in the decision-making roles. Empowering women contributes to the reduction of poverty, progress and innovation, value creation, environmental sustainability, more informed consumer choice, and so on.. because women should also be seen as changing agents in any society alongside men", Administrative staff.

"Gender equality means for me personally that I can work in an environment that respects and treats different people, perspectives and approaches equally. For me it is a main pillar of good working conditions",  Researcher

"It seems odd that you still have to pronounce the importance of gender equality in research. Everyone should have the same chances and possibilities. As long as this is not the case structural changes to promote gender equality must be implemented in research organisations", Researcher

"I am a father of two kids. I want to be involved in their life and share care responsibilities with my wife. Still I want to pursue my career in research. Gender equality is therefore important for men and women. It makes research a better place to work", Researcher