The Guiding Questions

How to make full use of SPEAR's COMPASS Guide

In the COMPASS below you will find SPEAR's COMPASS Guiding Questions. Just click on the COMPASS letters to see them.
The questions will help you and your colleagues define gender equality objectives and design gender equality measures.


Is it Sustainable?

Is it reproducible?

Is it systemic? Does it take its context into account?

Does it use resources in ways that do not deplete them?

Is it self generative?

Is it Creative?

Does it challenge the status quo? The institution?

Is it visionary in your context?

Does it bring or create something new?

Does it bring about a qualitative lift?

Is it Open?

Is it transparent to others?

Can it be analysed from different perspectives?

Is it possible to discuss pros and cons?

Is it participatory? Is it accessible?

Do all groups and individuals have a voice?

Is it Mitigating?

Does it successfully eliminate or reduce bias?

Is it non-discriminatory?

Does it promote equality?

Does it challenge stereotypes and norms?

Is it meaningful and mindful?

Is it Processual?

Does it focus on processes and procedures?

Does it inspire action?

Does it focus on practice and operation, on doing something?

Is it functional?

Is it Accountable?

Is it just and fair?

Is it responsible? Does it comply with national and international regulations, charters, and codes?

Is leadership responsibility clear and explicit? Do leaders act according to their responsibility?

Are there measures in place that track and follow up on progress and developments?

Is it SMART?

Specific: Reflects on and answer basic questions: what, why, how, who, when, and where

Measurable: Do you have quantitative and/or qualitative indicators and respective targets?

Achievable: Do you have the skills and resources to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them? Is the amount of effort required on par with what the goal will achieve?

Result-oriented: What will be the consequences/ outcomes? Is it aligned to the overall objective(s)?

Time-bound: What is the deadline? Is it realistic?